
The Damore lawsuit document

The Damore lawsuit document gives a fascinating insight into Google and SJW corporate culture.


Tumblr is leaking into Google: An employee who sexually identifies as “a yellow-scaled wingless dragonkin” and “an expansive ornate building” gave a talk titled “Living as a Plural Being” at an internal company event.

a yellow-scaled wingless dragonkin


A presentation at a Google event says you mustn’t presume “Plural Beings” with “headmates” are mentally damaged.



According to a Google internal forum, using the phrase “Cargo Cult Programming” is racist.

Cargo Cult Programming is racist


One Google employee slept at Google so he wouldn’t bother his wife’s boyfriend when he was with his wife.



Don’t stare at a trans woman in a women’s bathroom at Google, she might report you. You’ll also give her PTSD and flashbacks.



Misandry is also rife at Google. According to Googlers, men should “just shut up”, and male programmers deserve to be beaten.



One googler says that men “want to keep harassing” women, and doesn’t “feel safe” because men work there.

More Misandry


According to one Google employee, male managers are incompetent, and white males don’t have a right to an opinion. Do you trust Google to rank the news impartially?



This Googler says “all the boys” victimize with “systematic misogynist discrimination” and “all the whites” victimize with “systematic racist discrimination”

systematic misogynist discrimination


Google manager: everyone belongs here! Btw, if one of you is a man with an opinion, you’re ‘mansplaining’.



Google pushes ‘diversity’ to an absurd degree – one employee says he will spend the whole 45 minute interview with candidates discussing ‘diversity’, if 15 minutes doesn’t satisfy him.



Conservative and religious Googlers say they face a hostile work environment. And does Tim realise that by his standards, since he is advocating excluding people, he should himself be excluded? A programmer who doesn’t understand recursion



Some Googlers are living parodies. This one is ‘triggered’ by the statement “we shouldn’t leave men behind”, and is literally going: > Never mind the facts. What about my feelings!



This Googler thinks respecting peoples votes and the rule of law is privileged and racist.



While people who speak out about Google’s discriminatory behaviour can expect to be fired, Google is fine with Googlers advocating violent revolution in its forums.



Google fired James Damore for speaking out about its diversity policies, meanwhile it has no problem with Google employees promote punching conservatives (‘Nazis’) on Google’s own forum.



#Google is willing to fire people for expressing the wrong opinions, so when Googlers express opinions on their internal forums with no consequences, Google must approve of them. In this case, Google approves of political violence.



SJW Googlers are extremely intolerant of differing views and often flatly refuse to work with ‘out’ conservatives or the religious. Numerous individuals maintain personal blacklists of people with problematic opinions.



Keeping ‘blacklists’ of people with the ‘wrong’ opinions is endemic inside the #Goolag, these blacklists are often shared with other SJWs



It is also common to promote industry blacklists of ‘hostile voices’ at Google, disturbingly reminiscent of McCarthyite blacklists.



According to Damore, when a manager ‘blocks’ another employee within Google, they cannot work with them, adding Googlers to blocklists creates a hostile work environment and sabotages their careers. This is done disproportionately to conservatives, whites and men.



Calling for people to be fired for their politics is common in Google. Including being fired for “anti-diversity beliefs”.

anti-diversity beliefs


This Googler says people should be fired just for critiquing “Social Justice” articles. Even asking what opinions you can be fired for “creates a hostile work environment” and is a firing offence.



SJW Googlers commonly report people to their managers for ‘inappropriate’ opinions. In this case, raising the fact that Google discriminates against white people is ‘off’ and should be reported.



Even posting on a forum on ‘freespeech’ can lead to you being reported at the #Goolag



SJW Googlers know that blocklisting employees for ‘problematic’ views can lead to their effective dismissal, and deliberately do so.



Anti-progressive Google employees face firing, hatred, and retaliation for raising concerns about sexism.



A Google employee openly discusses censoring the search results to hide academic research that “supports incorrect stereotypes”, on an internal forum. Are these the people we want controlling the web?

censoring the search results

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